Welcome to
Ridge Clean Energy.

Ridge Clean Energy is at the forefront of the renewable energy sector, dedicated to transforming the way we generate power.

We know that a real and valuable transition to clean energy can only come about with the support and consideration of the communities it affects.

As responsible developers, we generate new clean power for the UK grid, help landowners make the most of their resources, and prioritise local communities.

Our team has extensive experience developing and operating clean energy projects for over 20 years. We started in 2003 as RidgeWind, successfully developing and building over 300MW of wind projects across the UK. We reformed as Ridge Clean Energy (RCE) in 2019, aiming to develop 1.5GW of renewable, homegrown power across the UK.

We work closely with our sister company, Ridge Carbon Capture, to help landowners and tenants restore ecosystems and reduce emissions through peatland restoration.

Today, Ridge Clean Energy is developing a portfolio of renewable energy projects throughout the UK.

Our Projects

Welcome to Ridge Clean Energy

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