
On 2nd October 2023, Ridge Clean Energy received planning permission for the Fair Oaks Renewable Energy Park, consisting of a solar farm and battery energy storage system, on land to the south west of Ruddington Village, Nottinghamshire.

The progress of the project will be updated on this website, posting news on:

  • The Project
  • Project Timeline
  • Consultation
  • Community Partnership

You can contact the project team here with comments, questions or ideas.

  View Site Boundary
Ridge Clean Energy

Project Outline

  • The project will be located on privately owned arable land approximately 1.3km south west of Ruddington Village.
  • The project will generate up to 49.9MW of solar photovoltaic electricity.
  • The project will host up to 49.9MW of BESS (Battery Energy Storage System).
  • It is currently estimated that the solar farm will generate the equivalent electricity needs of approximately 11,200 Nottinghamshire homes (based on average domestic consumption per household of 3900kWh p.a., DBEIS 2020).
  • From the displacement of electricity generated from fossil fuel powered generation, the proposed development will offset the emissions of a significant quantity of pollutants. This reduction in emissions will contribute to the national legislation of net zero emissions by 2050, as well as the climate emergency declared by Rushcliffe Borough Council and Nottinghamshire County Council.
  • The project will result in a 75% net gain in habitat, through new through new ecological and enhanced planting measures, including beehives.
  • Once the renewable energy park is operating, funding will be made available to the local community to help fund community initiatives.

Access, Infrastructure & Surveys


A range of infrastructure will be required as part of the new renewable energy park, which will include ground-mounted solar panels, inverters, a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), transformer units, switch gear and substation, and temporary construction compounds.


Our proposals and designs for the site were guided by data gathered during surveys, information provided by the community, technical assessments, and by advice provided by independent environmental consultants. Surveys began in September 2021 and continued across 2022. We continue to monitor this survey undertaken.

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Ridge Clean Energy took the decision in early 2022 to ‘volunteer’ an EIA for our application. An Environmental Statement was submitted as part of a suite of submission documents to assist Rushcliffe Borough Council to determine the application.

Solar Generation


Battery Storage


Homes Powered

Equivalent amount of power as is used by 11,200 homes

  Project Timeline

September 2021 - Commencement of Surveys

In September 2021 we started our ecology survey work.

Ridge Clean Energy - Project Timeline Ridge Clean Energy - Project Timeline

November 2021 - Presentation of Ruddington Parish Council

In November 2021 we presented our initial site concept to Ruddington Parish Council. This was a great opportunity to get a better understanding of the local community.

Ridge Clean Energy - Project Timeline Ridge Clean Energy - Project Timeline

March 2022 - Two Public Exhibitions Held

On the 22nd and 25th of March, we hosted two public exhibitions at St. Peter’s Rooms, Ruddington Village.

Ridge Clean Energy - Project Timeline Ridge Clean Energy - Project Timeline

February 2023 - Planning Application Submission

We submitted the application for planning permission in early 2023.

Ridge Clean Energy - Project Timeline Ridge Clean Energy - Project Timeline

October 2023 - Planning Determination

On 2nd October 2023 we received planning permission from Rushcliffe Borough Council.

Ridge Clean Energy - Project Timeline Ridge Clean Energy - Project Timeline

Planning Condition Discharge


Ridge Clean Energy - Project Timeline Ridge Clean Energy - Project Timeline


On 2nd October 2023, Ridge Clean Energy received planning permission for the Fair Oaks Renewable Energy Park, consisting of a solar farm and battery energy storage system, on land to the south west of Ruddington Village, Nottinghamshire.

We will continue to update this website as the project progresses further.

Ridge Clean Energy

  Project Documents

The application documents that were submitted to Rushcliffe Borough Council can be viewed below.

Public Exhibition Posters

Ridge Clean Energy have hosted two public exhibition in March 2022, both in the Village of Ruddington. The posters on display at these exhibitions can be viewed below.

What We Do

Successful projects require alignment of interests amongst landowners, communities, policy makers, and businesses.

The Ridge team works hard to understand interests and build enduring partnerships.

Ridge Clean Energy

  Community Partnerships

As part of our community engagement work for Fair Oaks Renewable Energy Park, RCE have been liaising with local organisations, groups and volunteers involved in the Ruddington community including Ruddington Parish Council, RVCP (Ruddington Village Community Partnership), Rushcliffe Country Park, Paradise Allotments, u3A and the Nottingham Heritage Transport Centre.

RCE are working with Clifton NG11 Foodbank to support people who are struggling with the cost-of-living and rising fuel costs. RCE have provided funding for fuel vouchers to be issued to residents in need within Ruddington, Gotham and Clifton. For further information on how to access this scheme please read here (Ruddington Parish Council). Individuals in need may wish to contact Clifton NG11 Foodbank directly through their website form Contact Us/Clifton NG11 Food Bank

‘RCE have supported local businesses during our public exhibitions and sponsored activities at the last three Christmas Events organised by RVCP, we have donated mature trees to Rushcliffe Country Park through the Queens Green Canopy initiative and donated to the outdoor Coronation Picnic event and entertainment. Funding from RCE has enabled the Green Social Prescribing Group, based at Paradise Allotments in Ruddington to purchase gardening tools and seedlings. We have sponsored the Open Gardens Scheme with the Ruddington Gardeners Association and sponsored a category at the Rudd Community Awards run by the RVCP. Recently we have been proud to support ‘Ruddington Recognises’ an initiative to promote awareness of invisible disabilities by providing sunflower lanyards and wristbands.

RCE are continuing to learn about the great work being carried out in the community neighbouring Fair Oaks REP, such as the Ruddington Pantry, Heat ‘n’ Eat and the Nottingham Heritage Transport Centre. We look forward to continuing to build relationships with as many groups as possible.

  Community Benefits

Ridge Clean Energy work in partnership with your community and local groups to discover where we can help make a real difference. We are keen to identify other local initiatives, such as the proposed new community centre, for which our community expertise and seed capital may be useful. It is our aim to support existing community projects and help new, local ideas become reality, whilst supporting the path of Ruddington to Net Zero.

Education is a key part of our community work, which is why we have launched The Ridge Climate Care Awards to encourage environmental awareness and action among the younger generation. The Awards are available to use in primary schools or with community groups. They can be completed as part of the school curriculum or run as a club activity. Please click here to download our free resources.

Once constructed Fair Oaks Renewable Energy Park will support a Community Benefit Fund of £500 per MW per year, equating to approximately £25,000 annually for the lifetime of the project. We welcome your views and inputs on opportunities in the area where we could make a difference.

As well as community benefits, the Fair Oaks Renewable Energy Park intends to deliver a substantial net gain in biodiversity, supporting the local environment. This would, for example, include species-rich seed mix in between the rows of solar panels to encourage birds, bees and other wildlife to make their home there.

  Our Experience

We have an experienced Community Partnership Team that work with local communities to create enduring local benefits.

Each project is assigned a Community Partnership Coordinator, who will forge relationships with key stakeholders in the area to identify and develop local initiatives and ideas that will support the community and its path to Net Zero.

Alongside our experience, we can also provide up-front seed capital and support with fundraising for local projects, allowing a community to benefit right from the beginning of the partnership.

RCE sponsor carols

December 2024 – Carols on The Green at Ruddington.  Organised by Ruddington Village Community Partnership and sponsored by RCE

RCE launch winter fuel support

November 2024 – Ridge Clean Energy Help Fund launched for winter fuel support. available to individuals and families in need who are struggling to afford their heating and energy bills over the 2024/25 winter period. RCE working with Clifton NG11 Foodbank to distribute fund to those living near Fair Oaks REP.

RCE supports Ruddington Recognises

August 2024 – Ruddington Recognises. Sunflower lanyards and wristbands, a global symbol of invisible disabilities, donated by RCE to Ruddington Recognises

RCE support Ruddington Open Gardens

June 2024 – Ruddington Open Gardens. Contributions by RCE allowed for the printing of the map showing the location of participating gardens.

RCE provide pens to U3a

June 2024 – U3a Ruddington & District. RCE were delighted to provide some rather nice pens for an event run by the Ruddington & District u3a community group.

RCE sponsor category at Rudd Community Awards

May 2024 – The Rudd Community Awards as organised by the Ruddington Village Community Partnership. RCE were proud to sponsor The Volunteer or Fundraiser Award.

RCE donate gardening equipment to Paradise Allotments

April 2024 – Paradise Allotment Social Prescribing Group were grateful to RCE who gave gardening tools and equipment for members to use.

Groundwork's in Ruddington

March 2024 – RCE worked with Groundwork’s Green Doctor team and the Environment Agency to hold an event in St. Peter’s Rooms sharing energy saving advice for the home and tips on flood prevention. This event was open to all local residents with an offer of free home visits to give further bespoke advice. This opportunity instigated by RCE made a real difference to the finances and wellbeing of many people in the local community. Through the behavioural changes advised, and energy measures installed, attendees will have saved a total of £2929 and 6,030kg Co2 – the equivalent of driving 17,860 miles!

RCE sponsor children's activities at Ruddington Christmas Fayre for a second year

December 2023 – RCE were again happy to sponsor the children’s activities as part of the Ruddington Christmas Fayre organised by RVCP

RCE talk to St. Peter's Junior School

July 2023 – The community team from RCE were invited by St. Peter’s Junior School, Ruddington to hold an assembly on Climate Change & Renewable Energy for 270 pupils.

Donation towards Kings Coronation event

May 2023 – A picnic to celebrate the King’s Coronation was held in Ruddington and RCE made a donation to contribute towards a memorable community event

RCE sponsor tree planting

March 2023 – 10 mature trees funded by RCE were planted at Rushcliffe Country Park as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy

RCE sponsor children's activities at Ruddington Christmas Fayre

December 2022 – RCE were delighted to sponsor the children’s activities at the Christmas Fayre held in Ruddington and organised by RVCP

RCE introduces Fair Oaks Renewable Energy Park

March 2022 – Public Exhibitions held at St Peter’s Rooms, Ruddington by RCE to introduce the proposed Fair Oaks Renewable Energy Park to local residents. Cakes were provided by The Old Bakehouse tearoom in Ruddington and Willow whips were free to take away and plant.

  Community Survey

  Project Documents

The application documents that were submitted to Rushcliffe Borough Council can be viewed below.

  Project FAQs

Access & Construction

We listened to comments made during our public engagements and have worked hard to successfully secure an alternative temporary construction access route which avoids the centre of Ruddington Village. The new temporary route would allow construction vehicles to access the site via Pasture Lane, off Clifton Lane.

If delivery HGVs were averaged out across the 9-12 month construction process, during the peak months for delivery there would be approximately 6 ‘two way’ HGV movements per day – equating to twelve daily movements.

Solar panels do not require concrete foundations unless in very special circumstances, and no such circumstances are currently envisaged at the Fair Oaks Renewable Energy Park. Some concrete is required for foundations at the new substation, but this is very localised.

Firstly access tracks would be built through the site (likely made of crushed stone, which would be left to grass over with time), after which the supporting frames are pushed into the ground. The solar panels themselves would then be bolted on to the frames, connected up by underground wiring and the site then secured with deer fencing.

There has been some media attention about the development of solar panels in certain countries, however more and more panels are now being manufactured in countries like Germany, America and Canada. A commercial decision would be made as to the source of the panels for the Fair Oaks Renewable Energy Park if planning permission is granted and Ridge Clean Energy is not tied to any particular manufacturer.

Agricultural land/Land Use

The UK needs to not only decarbonise its energy mix, but also boost its domestic energy security which means developments like the Fair Oaks Renewable Energy Park are really important. Whilst the land wouldn’t be used to grow crops during the operational period, the landowner can continue to farm their remaining farmland. It is intended that a sheep grazing licence being entered into at the appropriate time. At the end of the operational period, the landowner would be free to farm the land once again, on better agricultural land with a higher organic carbon content having secured the diversification of their farming practice for generations to come.

Land between the panels would be sown with a wildflower seed mix and left fallow to become a biodiverse rich habitat which would increase in organic carbon content over the lifetime of the project. The land wouldn’t be sprayed and would be in a better state for agricultural production once decommissioned. Following decommissioning, studies have shown that a field that has been allowed to lie fallow for just a year produces a higher crop yield when it is re-planted.

The solar panel rows are spaced to maximise the amount of clean renewable energy generated, whilst allowing a net gain in biodiversity. Unfortunately, the spacing isn’t large enough to allow machines to sow and harvest crops.

The quality of agricultural land in the UK ranges from 1 (being the best) to 5 (being the worst). Land at the Fair Oaks Renewable Energy Park is ‘Grade 3A’.

A number of factors including large distances to properties, accessibility to the local electricity distribution network, large open fields patterns, a viable access route and a willing landowner.

The site was identified for potential by the Ridge Clean Energy team due to its proximity to Ratcliffe-on-Soar Power Station, which is set to be decommissioned by September 2024, freeing up precious grid capacity. The land is conveniently located to the local electricity distribution network (a 132kV line runs adjacent to the site which is our currently intended point of connection).

As part of our application, we have submitted a ‘Glint and Glare assessment’ which considers the potential for impact to railway users. It should be remembered that solar panels are designed to absorb as much sun light as possible, rather than to reflect it. Our environmental enhancement plans include new hedgerows with Oak Trees parallel to, but set back from, the railway.

Operational Period

The solar panels would range from 90cm at their lowest point, to up to 3m at their highest point.

Placing a backstop date on any permission allows Rushcliffe Borough Council to maintain control over any non-agricultural use of the land. In addition, technology in general could look very different in 35-40 years’ time, so it’s only right that the land isn’t left for solar generation in perpetuity.

If planning consent is granted, it would be accompanied by a set of planning conditions one of which would stipulate that the development must be decommissioned. After this time, the landowner would be free to return the land to agricultural use. If anything else were to happen to the land, it would require a new planning permission at that point in time.

Solar panels are robust and would generally last for the operational period of the development. The battery units would likely be replaced every decade.

One of the planning conditions accompanying any planning permission would likely set the dimensions and overall heights of the development. If new technology becomes available during the operational period, and it fits within the stipulated dimensions from the initial planning permission, yes we could consider using the new technology if it would improve the amount of electricity generation on the site and be cost effective to do so.

As part of our application, we have submitted a ‘Glint and Glare assessment’ which considers the potential for impact to railway users. It should be remembered that solar panels are designed to absorb as much sun light as possible, rather than to reflect it. Our environmental enhancement plans include new hedgerows with Oak Trees parallel to, but set back from, the railway.

One of Ridge Clean Energy’s main owners also owns one of the largest privately held companies in the US, with an annual turnover of more than $2 Billion. Ridge, therefore, has access to more than enough funding required to develop the project. Additionally, the project will be held in a separate special purpose vehicle. However unlikely, if something did happen to Ridge, the project would be a valuable asset that, once built, would continue to generate and sell electricity and therefore, would be financially viable. Operation of the project would comply with the planning conditions, for example, relating to the environmental management and decommissioning of the site.

The UK has a ambition to decarbonise its electricity supply by 2035 and is legally required to reach ‘net zero’ emissions by 2050. More projects such as the Fair Oaks Renewable Energy Park are required to not only achieve this, but to also combat climate change, secure our domestic energy supply and move away from volatile energy markets. When there is space in the local electricity grid to accept new renewable energy generation (as there is at the Fair Oaks Renewable Energy Park), we should seek to maximise these opportunities.

We have assessed the impacts of our project in cumulation with others in the immediate area, and it is for Rushcliffe Borough Council to determine the merits of our application (based on planning policy and feedback they receive during the determination phase).

The electricity generated by the Fair Oaks Renewable Energy Park would feed directly into the local electricity distribution network. There may be times when this electricity is distributed to the local area, or it may be used more widely. However, there would not be a direct connection from the site to the local community.

Battery Storage

The battery storage containers are sealed units with appropriate prevention measures in place to prevent, and if necessary contain, any leaks. They would also be placed on hardstandings to act as another barrier to reduce the possibility of any leakages. Information relating to this will be included in the planning application.

The battery units are charged when the solar park is producing more electricity than it is allowed to export, this energy is then release to the local electrical distribution network during times of high demand to smooth the output from the solar development. The batteries can also import electricity from the local electrical distribution network when there is excess electricity, again releasing it during times of high demand.

The batteries proposed at the Fair Oaks Renewable Energy Park would likely be lithium ion batteries.

Yes, this is a common practice which assists in smoothing the output from the solar park as well as the electricity grid. Battery storage projects are now common developments in their own right. They can also provide services such as frequency and voltage control, which is useful for the grid.


More than 90% of each solar panel can be recycled, returning the valuable component parts back into the circular economy.


No – solar panels work really well with local ecology. Our landscape and ecology experts have worked together to prepare an enhancement package that would result in a 75% net gain in habitat at the site. New hedgerows, trees and species rich meadow would be planted in and around the edge of the site which has been designed to reduce impact to species using the Fairham Brook (a well-used ecology corridor). See the submitted Environmental Statement for further information.

The site operator would be responsible for the management and maintenance of these areas, rather than the local community.

The Fair Oaks Renewable Energy Park has been designed to prevent impact to the Fairham Brook as much as possible, and any run off from the site would be reduced to existing ‘greenfield’ rates.

We’re confident that noise wouldn’t be an issue from the Fair Oaks Renewable Energy Park. This is because of the distance between the infrastructure and properties, as well as our proposed bunding surrounding the battery units. There would be some sound heard when walking along the footpaths immediately adjacent to the site, but any sound generated would quickly dissipate with distance. We have submitted a noise assessment as part of our application for planning permission.

Whilst there may be some temporary disruption to footpaths during construction, all existing footpaths would remain open during the operational lifetime of the development.


The community benefit fund would consist of £500 per MW exported to the grid per year. The Fair Oaks Renewable Energy Park consists of 49.9MW export, so the community benefit fund would amount to £24,950 per year.

The goals of the community funding are to help support and realise community-identified initiatives that will strengthen the local fabric and assist in achieving the community’s net zero goals. In addition, we will provide assistance to local groups in seeking grant funding from other sources with our contribution underpinning the fundraising effort.

We wrote to the parishes of Ruddington, Gotham, Barton in Fabis and East Clifton about our proposal, as well as residents surrounding the scheme. We issued invitations to our public exhibitions to over 2,300 local community members, and distributed newsletters when our application became ‘live’.

Miscellaneous Questions

No, Ridge Clean Energy is not connected to any of the housing developments in the area, and is not involved in any housing development.

We have been working since 2003 to create locally supported renewable energy parks in the UK – combining solar, wind, and batteries to optimise renewable megawatt hours and, at the same time, creating local hubs to help communities on a path to net zero.

We currently have a portfolio of projects at various stages of the planning process, spread across the UK. Please explore our website for further information.

Please note that any comments sent via the channels outlined above do not constitute a formal representation to the Local Planning Authority. There will be an opportunity to submit formal representations to the Local Planning Authority upon submission of a planning application.


Providing comments or requesting a call back from a member of the project team using the forms below.


Email us a comment or enquiry via the following email address


Or write to: Ridge Clean Energy, Noah's Ark, Market Street, Charlbury, OX7 3PL.

  Get In Touch